The Value of Using NextLevel’s EBITDA Quiz

Dental Business

If you’re planning to sell your practice, looking into joining a DSO, or just wondering how well your business is running, then NextLevel’s EBITDA quiz is a priceless tool. Not only can it determine your current profitability margin, you can also use it to determine what you can do to up your game and meet […]

Elevate Your Dental Practice with NextLevel Practice: ASDA Interviews Gary Kadi


Are you a dental professional looking to transform your practice into a thriving, patient-centered, and financially successful venture? NextLevel Practice founder, Gary Kadi, was recently interviewed for Contour, the American Student Dental Association (ASDA) magazine giving advice to new dentists and gave answers to just those questions. Here’s a quick recap of their conversation:  What […]

Clinical Autonomy and DSOs–They Don’t Have to Be Mutually Exclusive!


So you’re thinking about selling your practice to a DSO. While now is the perfect time to start negotiations, let’s talk about the huge elephant in the room–clinical autonomy. It’s likely you’ve heard horror stories about dentists working for DSOs that have been forced to tow the DSOs treatment line–even when it crosses into unethical […]

Unlocking Dental Practice Success: Understanding EBITDA and DSO Benefits

Understanding EBITDA and DSO Benefits

Gary Kadi has observed firsthand the aversion many of his colleagues have to financial matters. Words like P&L and KPI can send even the most financially savvy dentist into a panic. The truth is, dental school didn’t equip our industry with the skills to navigate the business side of our practices, making the financial aspects […]

A Change of Heart: NextLevel Practice Founder’s Journey from DSO Critic to Advocate

Change of Heart

In the world of dental practice management, the rise of Dental Service Organizations (DSOs) has been met with both enthusiasm and skepticism. Gary Kadi, the founder of NextLevel Practice, was once a staunch critic of DSOs, believing they stripped dentists of their autonomy.  After becoming an “accidental expert” on DSOs, though, Gary has embarked on […]

NextLevel Practice Announces the Creation of NextLevel Doctors Group DSO

Doctors Group DSO

With its partnership in a new DSO, NextLevel shows its commitment to practitioners’ autonomy, strong teams, and patient care.  New York, NY/August 2nd, 2023/ NextLevel Practice, a dental practice management coaching and consulting company, announced today its participation in the creation of a new DSO group–NextLevel Doctors Group– formed from the Big Six Founders partnership […]

Re-Defining Retirement: How Dentist Couple Found Financial Freedom with DSO 3.0

Financial Freedom

We’ve been talking about DSO 3.0 here at NextLevel for some time now. Maybe you’ve seen one of our webinars or read our articles in Dental Economics about it. Maybe you’ve even seen our big announcement about NextLevel Doctors Group. But up until now, we’ve only ever told you about it from a consultant’s perspective. […]

Embracing a New Era of Dental Practice: DSO 3.0


Gone are the days when your income solely depended on the services you provided as a dentist. The traditional dental business model, which limited your earning potential to the output of your own hands, is no longer the only option. The dental industry is experiencing a seismic shift with the rise of Dental Support Organizations […]

Forget The Old DSO Model. Here’s Why You Should Check Out DSO 3.0

Dental Business

Forget the old DSO Model. Here’s why you should check out DSO 3.0  It’s hard to ignore the buzzing of the industry-wide DSO consolidation. But among the tales of eased business responsibilities and incredible financial payouts lurk stories of lost autonomy, tanking patient care, and miserable doctors stuck in a demoralizing life they didn’t anticipate. […]

Thinking about joining a DSO? NextLevel Practice Can Help You Secure the Best Deal

Close the Deal

Are you considering selling your dental practice to a Dental Support Organization (DSO) but want to make sure you’re getting a good deal? We understand how different and downright confusing it can be to navigate the sale of your practice and to ensure you’re getting the best possible arrangement–for you, your team, and your patients. […]