Better Together

Gain strength and support from NextLevel Practice’s community of like-minded dentists.

Peer-to-peer mentoring

Exciting community events

New friends and FUN!

We’re All in This

Owning a practice can feel isolating at times. Even if you have local colleagues or friends from dental school days, it doesn’t mean you necessarily want to open up to them about your struggles.

Here at NextLevel Practice, we work hard to build a community of understanding, empathetic practice owners who support each other through the inevitable ups and downs of the job. We spend time together online, learn from each other, and even meet up in real life. We would love to have you join us!

You’re Not Alone

Get support from people who know EXACTLY what you’re up against.

Get Answers
Faced with a situation you just don’t know how to navigate? There’s a good chance someone in our community has experienced something similar and can offer real-world advice.
Make a Difference
Your experience matters! Make your voice heard and help other dentists using your knowledge base from your years on the job.
Have Fun
Who says we’re all business 24/7? When we get together we love to have a great time! From early morning yoga sessions to catamarans and karaoke parties, let’s cut loose!

Get Answers

Faced with a situation you just don’t know how to navigate? There’s a good chance someone in our community has experienced something similar and can offer real-world advice.

Make a Difference

Your experience matters! Make your voice heard and help other dentists using your knowledge base from your years on the job.

Have Fun

Who says we’re all business 24/7? When we get together we love to have a great time! From early morning yoga sessions to catamarans and karaoke parties, let’s cut loose!

Join Us

Check out all the ways our community lifts each other.

Community Summit

This two-day live event is open to all NextLevel Practice doctors and their teams. Join us for keynotes, breakout sessions, and trainings for everyone on your team. You’ll get the chance to meet other practice owners in real life and spend time together learning and playing.

Future of Healthcare

Exclusively for doctors and their spouses, this live event takes place at a luxury destination. Past events have been in Mexico, St. Kitts, Sedona, and beyond. Rubbing shoulders with NLP coaches and other industry leaders, you’ll work together as a group to stretch and grow beyond your wildest dreams.

Live Streams

Meet up with NLP coaches and other doctors and teams across the country virtually for team trainings, leadership courses, and more--all from the convenience of your own office. You’ll get the chance to hear from other doctors, weigh in on solutions, and broaden your knowledge base of the NextLevel methodology.

Group Chats by Position

Built into our training and practice management software, Abundents University, are online groups for each member of your team. You can post questions, write answers, and form friendships with other doctors in NextLevel’s program…and so can everyone in your office, from hygiene to the front office.

Peer Mentoring

Led by our rockstar coaches, NextLevel practices meet every week for peer-to-peer mentoring meetings. You’ll work with a dedicated pod of practices to share your successes with each other, offer advice and help, and help lift each other up with goal setting and accountability.