Our Story

Our Story

What happens in Vegas… Every great superhero has an origin story. A meaningful personal experience, a significant loss, or a wrong that needed to be made right. Whatever that thing […]

Turn Your Payroll into a Profit Center

Toys showcasing dental team, or payroll, working together on mouth.

Every dollar spent on your dental team will deliver $2 or more back into your practice Many practice owners believe that because payroll is money coming out of the bank […]

Solve Your Hiring Crisis Now

Hiring crisis showcased by empty seats.

Attract top tier talent by fully expressing your purpose Making your practice irresistible to high-quality talent should be top of mind for every dental practice leader. But if you’re like […]

Obnoxious Dentists And How They Got That Way

mouth diseases can make a dentist obnoxious

Once a dentist learns the mouth-body connection for complete health, you usually can’t shut her up about it. The same goes for recently educated patients. How did these people become […]