5 Steps to Begin Your Journey to Wealth Mastery and Financial Freedom

Successful, young female dentist learning how to manage her dental practice and build wealth.

Did you know that 96% of dentists are still in debt when they retire? Even more surprising is data that tells us that dentists are retiring later than ever before. According to recently published ADA research, the average retirement age is nearly 70 years old. As a seasoned coach with more than two decades of […]

What’s the Difference Between Coaching and a Consultant?

Business coaching success meeting

Transforming your dental practice is no easy feat. That is why so many dentists seek outside help business coaching when they make the decision to effect change in their business. If you’ve been debating between hiring a coach or a consultant to help you achieve your goals, this article can help you choose the right […]

Dental Practice Management: 4 Ways to Slice Through the Overwhelm

Woman swinging a golf club

Do you feel buried by stress and doubt? Is your practice plateaued in the doldrums? Are you looking for a clear path forward? Cut through the overwhelm with a new strategy that will help you launch your practice to new heights of success and banish the burdens that are holding you back from the life […]

3 Tax Hacks for Dentists Who Want to Save Money in 2023

Bank vault filled with gold bars

Dreading tax season?  Luckily there are proven steps you can take throughout the year to mitigate your taxes before your CPA even fills out the first form in the new year.  These three tax hacks will help you take control of your tax strategy so you can save more of your hard-earned money on your […]

Build a World-Class Practice with NextLevel’s Leading Dentist Program

Teal racecar representing a world-class dentist

Chances are, when you graduated from dental school, you envisioned creating a world-class practice. And while you’ve found some success as a dentist, something undefinable has been holding you back from completely achieving your goals. Is it the constant drama in your team? The pressure to increase production? How do you know? Don’t worry–transformation is […]

The 3 Key Benefits of a Dental Practice Valuation

Moneybags showing dental practice valuation

Do you know the real value of your practice? Whether planning to sell your practice to a DSO or simply developing a more realistic understanding of your profitability and potential, an expert dental practice valuation will help you get informed about the strength of your business. Like anything in life, you have to know what […]

​​3 Reasons to Get a Second Opinion on Any DSO Offer

Dentist getting a second opinion before signing a contract with a DSO

​Has a dental service organization (DSO) approached you with an offer for your practice that seems too good to be true? Are you concerned about the impact that selling to a DSO will have on your future business, your team and your plans for retirement? You’re right to be cautious! A DSO can completely transform […]

3 Ways to Raise Your Deserve Level and Transform Your Mindset

Cloud with the word Mindset

There’s no question that the field of dentistry is in desperate need of a mindset transformation. Dentists have the highest suicide rate of any medical profession despite reporting some of the highest rates of job satisfaction. There’s a disconnect between what our industry claims and the reality of the career. Something has to change. Dentists, […]

Best Dental Practice Management Tools—Consulting, Software, or Both?

Consulting coach standing outside at a sports event

Does optimizing your dental practice management come down to solid software, stellar coaching, or both? This is a common question for dentists who are taking a closer look at consulting for their practice and recognizing a need for change. Whether it comes down to trying to save money, a reluctance to involve a stranger in […]