The Missing Link: Integrating Key Supplements for Complete Dental Care

Dental Supplement

As a dentist, you’re well aware of the crucial role nutrition plays in maintaining optimal oral health. But you’re a dentist, not a dietician – what can you do to influence what goes in your patients’ bodies? More and more dentists are discovering that by incorporating discussion of key supplements into their dental visits, they […]

Why Would a Dentist Need a Coach?

Dental Business Coaching

We’re gonna call it like we see it: dentists get a raw deal. They spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get a clinical education–they graduate with excellent knowledge about how to be a dentist and help patients achieve optimal oral health. But where that raw deal comes in is when dentists achieve the dream […]

The Value of Using NextLevel’s EBITDA Quiz

Dental Business

If you’re planning to sell your practice, looking into joining a DSO, or just wondering how well your business is running, then NextLevel’s EBITDA quiz is a priceless tool. Not only can it determine your current profitability margin, you can also use it to determine what you can do to up your game and meet […]

5 Reasons Why Good Reviews Are Essential for Your Dental Practice

Good reviews online

In the dynamic world of dentistry, where patient trust and satisfaction are paramount, establishing a positive online presence is crucial for the growth and success of your practice. One powerful tool that can significantly impact your practice’s reputation is positive online reviews. Let’s explore five compelling reasons why cultivating good reviews is essential for the […]

The Top 3 AI Tools Transforming Dental Practices

AI tool to better help your dental practice

Everywhere you look these days, you hear more and more about artificial intelligence–AI. Whether you’re listening to AI voice mashups or playing with AI photo generators, there’s just no getting away from it. While AI can be fun to play with, smart people are putting AI to use to revolutionize the way that all of […]

Building Generational Wealth: A Blueprint for Dental Professionals


In the dynamic world of dental practice management, the pursuit of success goes beyond clinical expertise. While mastering the art of dentistry is paramount, dental professionals must also navigate the complexities of financial management to secure their legacy and build generational wealth. Let’s explore the principles and strategies that can empower dental practitioners to create […]

Strengthening Dental Practices: The Power of Like-Minded Communities

Dental Team

In the dynamic landscape of dental practice management, the importance of collaboration and shared knowledge cannot be overstated. One of the key avenues for achieving this synergy is through like-minded dental practice communities. At NextLevel Practice, we understand the transformative impact these communities can have on the financial health and overall success of dental practices. […]

The Untapped Potential of Peer-to-Peer Coaching


3 reasons why community is so important for dentists Have you ever felt alone and stuck in your dental practice? There are more than 185,000 dental practices in the U.S., yet it can be hard to connect to other practice owners in a real way–one where you can share your problems and learn from each […]

5 Ways Expert Dental Coaching from NextLevel Practice Can Transform Your Dental Practice

Dental Practice

Managing a dental practice successfully in today’s competitive healthcare landscape requires not only exceptional clinical skills but also effective business acumen. Unfortunately, “business acumen” likely wasn’t a class in most dental school programs, leaving dentists unprepared to successfully run a small business. That’s why we offer dental coaching here at NextLevel Practice–to help you round […]

Unlocking Dental Practice Success: Understanding EBITDA and DSO Benefits

Understanding EBITDA and DSO Benefits

Gary Kadi has observed firsthand the aversion many of his colleagues have to financial matters. Words like P&L and KPI can send even the most financially savvy dentist into a panic. The truth is, dental school didn’t equip our industry with the skills to navigate the business side of our practices, making the financial aspects […]