Why would anyone expect expert dental professionals to be instant, expert business owners?
I speak every day to dentists who are horrified at what they did not learn in school about running a dental practice. They graduated from dental school woefully unprepared to run a day-to-day business.
They say that the confusion, frustration, and unwitting mistakes in their chaotic practice make them rue the day they got into this industry. That’s tragic, especially considering that they also say they got into the dental profession to help people and make a real difference in their respective communities.
These dental practice leaders would love to change this sad state of affairs in running their dental practice if they could. They just don’t know how.
Enter Abundents University. Nope, that’s not a spelling error or a new dental school. It’s a training platform that we, in partnership with the dental software company Abundents, have created to cost-effectively change dental practice owners’ lives.
Not more training—puleeze!
Oh, yeah—we totally feel your pain! If I had a dollar for every training program for dental professionals on the market, I sure wouldn’t need to be writing this to you today. (Maybe a B&B on the beach in St. Lucia, the Grecian islands or an Italian cruise….hmmm). Seriously, though, our dental practice owners tell us this is the training they never knew could save their sanity.
Abundance University—step-by-step
Step 1 –Lay the groundwork for change
Our 8-week Foundations course helps you build your basic knowledge about the Complete Health Dentistry model. Complete Health Dentistry is the key to unlocking a new life for you and your staff. Learning how to become a whole health partner in your community will bring you more professional satisfaction than you ever thought possible.
Just what is Complete Health Dentistry? As you may know, there is a relationship between oral health and chronic illnesses like high blood pressure, kidney disease, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and more. When patients understand their oral health is crucial to their overall preventative wellness, they are much more motivated and involved in their dental care. As you spend time educating them instead of “selling” services, you’ll be amazed at how much ownership they’ll take over their oral health and their willingness to accept treatment. Learn more about the connection between oral health and chronic illness at Say Ahh the Movie.
Step 2—What you and your staff need—when you need it
In the Abundents University Year 1 curriculum, you will find on-demand modules that include everything you need to drive down debt and drive up employee and patient satisfaction. This includes weekly webinars, virtual events, customizable courses for each position on your team, and more! This is not a one-and-done proposition, either. Coaching is included from Next Level to make sure you have every question answered.
Step 3—The numbers you’ve always needed
With our powerful practice dashboard, you can learn how to track your most important numbers and change what you are doing to improve these metrics—forever.
Simple but not easy
Roy T. Bennett said, “Change begins at the end of your comfort zone.” If you’ve read this far, it’s a safe bet that you are experiencing extreme discomfort within your practice’s status quo. Do you want to take a risk on a new training program when you’re so busy you can barely think straight?
That’s just it. There’s no risk involved. Zero. Zilch. Nada.
We believe in what we do and stand by it. We know that our system works because we’ve worked it with thousands of practices for over 20 years. We’re in the business of creating real results, and if you commit to showing up fully and giving us your best – we’re certain it will work. With your 12-month commitment, we’ll guarantee that you’ll not only see a full return on your investment but that you double it or your money back – NO questions.
What are you waiting for? Turn your chaos into creative, active growth for you, your team and your patients. Schedule a free consultation today.
And for a limited time only, you can sign up for a free month of access to Abundents University, complete with weekly live group coaching sessions! Register from April 22 to May 8th. Group classes start May 9th!