Are You Really Ready to Sell Your Dental Practice?
Find out if you’re prepared with NextLevel Practice’s Sale Readiness Checklist
Gage Your Readiness
Think Strategically
Make A Plan
Don’t Try to Sell a Dental Practice Before You’re Ready
Even if you’re excited to sell your dental practice, feeling ready and being ready are two different things. If you want to get the highest offer possible for your biggest financial investment (whether you’re selling your dental practice to a dso, corporate entity, or a private practitioner), you need to make sure you’ve prepared and packaged every part of your practice.
Our Sale Readiness Checklist gives you a clear, no-nonsense guide to gage your readiness today, and make a clear plan for action tomorrow.
Successful Practice Sales Start With Careful Preparation
This Checklist will help you:
Get the Big Picture
There are a lot of moving parts to your dental practice that need to be optimized. We’ll show you each one.
Prevent Low Offers
Without preparation, you could be stuck with only low-ball offers for your valuable practice. See what you can do to avoid it.
Track Your Progress
As you complete each task, check it off and know you’re one step closer to a successful, profitable practice sale.
“Sometimes, dentistry can be lonely and the community that NextLevel provides is like no other. I have a safe, judgment-free place that I can ask silly questions, or seek advice, as well as celebrate my successes with people that are genuinely happy for me. So thankful to be connected to such an amazing group of practices and people.”
Traci Fox Lewis
Don’t Jump the Gun
Make sure you’ve got everything in place for the highest offer possible.
Our Sale Readiness Checklist will help you cross the t’s and dot the i’s so you can get the offer you want.
Be Thorough
Our checklist helps you work through your timeline, goals, dental proactive valuation, paperwork, and support team.
Be Prepared
Buyers today (especially DSOs) are looking for very specific things. Our checklist helps you know what they are.
Be Successful
Little to no preparation can result in little to no offers. Our checklist helps you optimize your chances.