5 Steps to Begin Your Journey to Wealth Mastery and Financial Freedom

Successful, young female dentist learning how to manage her dental practice and build wealth.

Did you know that 96% of dentists are still in debt when they retire? Even more surprising is data that tells us that dentists are retiring later than ever before. According to recently published ADA research, the average retirement age is nearly 70 years old. As a seasoned coach with more than two decades of […]

Dental Practice Management: 4 Ways to Slice Through the Overwhelm

Woman swinging a golf club

Do you feel buried by stress and doubt? Is your practice plateaued in the doldrums? Are you looking for a clear path forward? Cut through the overwhelm with a new strategy that will help you launch your practice to new heights of success and banish the burdens that are holding you back from the life […]

How to Make Coming to Work FUN!

playing games and having fun in the break room

Is your team losing their energy? Showing signs of wear and tear? Showing up late or leaving early? It could be a lack of fun! There is a growing epidemic of burnout across all industries and the dental industry is no exception. According to experts, organizational signs of burnout include: Job dissatisfaction Cynicism about work role Loss of […]

5 Ways To Appreciate Your Dental Team

We’ve all heard the saying that appreciation goes a long way, right? In our brains, we know that people like to be seen, heard, valued and appreciated because WE like to experience that ourselves in our lives and at work. Understanding this conceptually is important but knowing how to implement this within your team is […]

HIPAA And Facebook Friends?

Businesses all over the world use Facebook and other social media platforms to connect with their customers, educate their audience, promote their brand and more. The dental industry is no exception. When it comes to navigating social media, the question is not whether or not your dental practice should engage with Facebook but more HOW […]

6 Practices to Transform Your Relationship With Your Boss

You’ve got a bad boss or at least you think you do. No matter how hard you work or how above and beyond you go, your boss never seems to appreciate your efforts and performance.  Perhaps they miss critical meetings, give zero direction or even take credit for your work. Perhaps they fail to support […]

What Are The Core Values Of Your Dental Practice And Are You Living Up Them?

Building and managing a successful dental practice takes a lot of heart and hard work. All day long important decisions are made on behalf of your patients, your team and your practice. Does this decision support the practice? Is the team aligned in vision and mission? Does the team communicate our mission both in word […]

How To Handle Infection Control Breaches In Your Dental Practice

Mistakes happen every day in dental practices. Often times, these mistakes can lead to infection control breaches that can put you, your practice and your patients at risk. Infection control breaches occur in a variety of ways, some with minimal consequences and others with disastrous ones. Did you know that the 5 most common infection […]

Turbo Charge Your Front Office Team

A book can be written on why the back hates the front. This situation is largely because there are clear delineation of responsibilities and tangible results coming from the back. In the front there are people starring at computer screens and constantly putting out fires and dealing with problems with the schedule and challenges with […]