How to Make Coming to Work FUN!

playing games and having fun in the break room

Is your team losing their energy? Showing signs of wear and tear? Showing up late or leaving early? It could be a lack of fun! There is a growing epidemic […]

5 Ways To Appreciate Your Dental Team

We’ve all heard the saying that appreciation goes a long way, right? In our brains, we know that people like to be seen, heard, valued and appreciated because WE like […]

HIPAA And Facebook Friends?

Businesses all over the world use Facebook and other social media platforms to connect with their customers, educate their audience, promote their brand and more. The dental industry is no […]

Turbo Charge Your Front Office Team

A book can be written on why the back hates the front. This situation is largely because there are clear delineation of responsibilities and tangible results coming from the back. […]