Make Prevention Profitable

Getting Your Patients To Say YES To Treatment A patient’s resistance to accepting dental treatment can prevent them from getting the care they need. These barriers often include cost, fear of treatment, lack of dental education and more. Understanding how a patient moves through the treatment decision-making process empowers dental practices to address the patient’s […]

Turbo Charge Your Front Office Team

A book can be written on why the back hates the front. This situation is largely because there are clear delineation of responsibilities and tangible results coming from the back. In the front there are people starring at computer screens and constantly putting out fires and dealing with problems with the schedule and challenges with […]

Do You Make These Mistakes in Your Practice?

Dentistry is the only business that has a built in repeat business mechanism called our hygiene department. Even better, our moms and kind dentists visited our kindergarten classes and educated us that the right thing to do is see your dentist twice per year. Fram filters tried the same approach by saying you need to […]